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Holidays in Madrid

Madrid is one of the most unforgettable and beautiful places on the planet. Around the clock the city is filled with life and energy. It attracts many tourists all year round. It is simply impossible to get bored here. Blue and clear skies, mild climate, fresh air - all this in one wonderful place.

Night life
Nights in Madrid are bright, cheerful and incendiary. Night Madrid can not be compared with any other city. After eight in the evening, life here does not stop, but only the most interesting begins. The whole city glows, the streets are full of energy. At every step there are small cafes, chic restaurants, noisy clubs. For example, in the Moncloa quarter there are many bars, which are visited mainly by young people.

And passing between Balbao Square and San Bernarda, you can visit inexpensive restaurants and enjoy the music programs of institutions. The most luxurious and expensive restaurants in the city are located on Prado and Costellano Boulevard. In summer, you can find many open-air cafes that attract a huge number of visitors. Especially in the evening.

Madrid is famous for its architecture and ancient buildings. For example, the world-famous Prado Museum, whose building was built in the 18th century. The museum is filled with art collections of the greatest artists.

A famous historical site is Puerto del Sol and Plaza Mayor. Various events have been held here since ancient times.
The majestic Royal Palace and the Escorial Palace with the monastery attracts special attention of tourists.

The largest park in Madrid is Retira Park. Walking in the garden, you can admire the historical buildings, the crystal palace.
Also, the architectural sights of Madrid are the cathedrals: the Cathedral of San Andreas, Almudena, etc.

The pride of Spain is bullfighting. This is a hot Spanish temperament, an amazing sight and an explosion of emotions.

Seeing a Spanish bullfight live is an unforgettable thrill. What you see will not leave anyone indifferent. Bull shows are usually held on Saint Isidore's day. This holiday is celebrated by locals and tourists very colorfully.

A visit to Madrid cannot be imagined without shopping. Fans of this business will be pleased with the huge number of boutiques and shops located on the Plaza Mayor.

As well as department stores with designer items and jewelry stores located around the streets of Salamanca and Almirante.

Car rent in Plaza De Castilla (Madrid)